By Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch

We’re going to take a twist on the normal holiday safety article this year and go back in time to learn what we need to know for the future.

It was the mid-1960; and boys around the age of 8 and 9 were being introduced to what would be considered today a para-military organization.  In reality it was just the Boy Scouts.  It was a place where fathers and sons could learn the foundation of citizenry, self-respect, self-reliance and service to others.  

It was a place where leaders of the future would learn about service to others, honor and ethics.  It was a place where boys could grow to men with guidance and mentorship.

So what was so important about the past that can help us in the future?

Knowledge!  The most important concept of the Boy Scouts is their motto: “Be Prepared.”  “Be Prepared”.  Seems a bit simplistic, maybe even a little comical today, but there are millions of men in this country that pledge an allegiance to that motto every week.  Men today that are community leaders, business leaders; and those that have put their lives in harm’s way in our Armed Services and Law Enforcement.  They took away from that experience as young men the notion that service to others is important, that self-respect is important and that planning for what could happen can save a life.

“Be Prepared”.  Stay alert when walking through the parking garage; be prepared for the unexpected.  Be watchful while in public places; be prepared for the possibility.  Be knowledgeable; be prepared for a medical emergency.

Scouting has fallen out of favor in today’s technological society, it’s no longer cool to be a scout.  But scouting shaped the character of men to be prepared and look out for others.  That character is in demand more so today than ever before.  

Men, and women, that can extend a watchful eye across a parking lot, or across the street, to look for suspicious behavior.  Those that will remain alert when in public, looking for an opportunity to serve another.  Those that are prepared for an emergency, whether medical or life threatening.  

Scouting was the foundation upon which men of character were built.  That foundation, that character shaped a mindset.  A mindset to care for others, protect others and prepare for what may happen.

So, what does this have to do with holiday safety?!  

We are safer as a community, when we watch out for each other as well as for ourselves.  We are approaching the holidays; a more festive environment; and the criminal element is waiting for you to let down your guard.  

Make sure doors are locked at home and the alarm is set.  Have motion sensor lights stationed at entry ways and blind-spots.  Take extra care when shopping, don’t load yourself down with packages heading to the car, and protect your credit cards (it is recommended that you buy fix dollar cards that you can reload and leave your regular card at home to limit the potential loss of cash and exposure of identity).  Keep your car in the garage at night; but if you must leave it outside – take everything out of it and LOCK the doors.

If you are prepared for what might happen, you can probably prevent a lot of what could happen.

We’ll leave you wishing you a joyous and uneventful holiday season; and remember to be prepared.

For a holiday safety checklist, click here.

Stay Alert, Stay Safe,   

© Copyright 2017 Ron Mullins and Thom Bolsch

All rights reserved.